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The second round of auditions for the 2025-26 school year are due by January 26, 2025
If you have any questions or would like to submit a late audition please reach out to your program coordinator.
Please see the sample audition videos below!
A complete audition packet includes the following:
✓ Online Audition Application
✓ Signed Student-Parent APA Handbook Agreement (Uploaded to the Online Application)
✓ Students must list 2 recommendations for their application. These will be contacted if additional information is needed.
Sample Audition Videos
APA Sample Audition Videos
How do I know if my child's application packet is complete?A complete audition packet includes the following: ✓ Online Application ✓ Signed Student-Parent APA Handbook Agreement (Uploaded to the Online Application) ✓ Email addresses for Recommendations (2) (you will enter their emails in the online application) ✓ Video Audition (Uploaded to the Online Application) Once auditions are over, staff will review each student’s packet to ensure we have all the necessary paperwork. Please do not call or email about paperwork. If something is missing, we will contact you.
When and how will students receive their audition results?Results will be sent out in January. Parents/Guardians will be notified via the email address they entered for the online application.
If my child does not pass the addition, can they re-audition?Yes, students may re-audition at the times listed in the audition requirements. Students that are unsuccessful in their first audition, are highly encouraged to study privately in the few months between auditions to improve their performance ability. A student who does not pass the audition will not be given feedback as is the industry standard.
What happens after I receive the acceptance notification?When you receive the acceptance email, you will need to complete your school variance application if your student is not zoned for Spruce Creek High School on VPortal. Acceptance Agreement- The parent/guardian must sign the “Acceptance Agreement”, accepting the seat at SCHS for the coming school year. Scheduling Request Form- Complete the “Scheduling Request Form” to indicate courses they you have completed, are taking currently, and want to take at SCHS. You must turn in this form at the APA orientation meeting. Failure to submit the acceptance forms will result in the forfeiture of your child’s seat in the Advanced Performing Arts Program. School Choice Application- After acceptance into the program, students and parents must accepted the variance in the program through VPortal. Students will not be automatically placed at Spruce Creek High School if they are not zoned for Spruce Creek! Once you have received your variance approval, you will need to contact Spruce Creek High School and complete your enrollment with the registrar. Additional information about school choice can be found on the Volusia County School website.
What if I am Zoned for Spruce Creek High School already?If you are currently zoned for Spruce Creek and have applied to be in the Advanced Performing Arts Program, you still need to wait for your audition results. You still need to be accepted into the program to be a member.
Can my student fit in three performing arts credits in their schedule?Yes they can! Some areas of study will require three performing arts classes. Please read through the handbook to see what are the required courses for each area. You can find an examples schedule for band/music students here: APA Music student 4-year Schedule
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